Simone Subal Gallery

Jesse Wine: The Players

November 19, 2020 – January 30, 2021
Opening: November 19: 2 – 8PM

**The gallery is operating under new hours:
Wednesday – Saturday, 12PM – 6PM, appointment recommended.

1 – Jesse’s fading hair
2 – Ooooooooorrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnngggggggggggeeeeeee
3 – The Bath
4 – Desire and value
5 – Extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds
6 – Cut a hole in the rain for ya
7 – Study of sleeping me

Then the idea strikes. Why hadn’t it occurred to Jesse’s fading hair before. It occurs to Jesse’s fading hair, as it crouches there, next to Ooooooooorrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnngggggggggggeeeeeee, that it might be possible to hoodwink them all, to pull off the trick they have been playing on people since they were young: to exchange places, leading people to believe that each was the other.

The Bath takes a deep breath, bracing its stiff joints to rise.
The Bath is a slow mover.
A while later it has risen, beginning to articulate and move
ambling past Jesse’s fading hair and Ooooooooorrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnngggggggggggeeeeeee
in no particular order.
Desire and value is really, really ready to leave.
Back turned with posture
so straight, so tall
that the lowest point of its flop towers above The Bath.
What a weird pair, The Bath and Desire and value,
landscape and portrait.
Decay and decay.
Arm-in-arm they approach Extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds.
A downpour en-route causes quite the scene, the weird pair become a streaky pair.
Interiority on display.


Today is the 19th of November 2020, this exhibition is on display until the 30th of January 2021. For this entire period these rooms will remain almost exactly as they are right now.